Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Emotional Atyachaar Response

Some goof up here. Manjit Sandhu (IIMB'79) and MI Singh (IITD '77) posted this before Ahmed's response

Thanks Yadhav. Finally a topic I can understand and possibly contribute to in the discussion.

This topic (of disciplining kids and grand kids) has often come up in my Stress Management Retreats and here is a summary and highlights of discussions;

There are two ways of disciplining a kid;

1) Using Non Violence (or logic and mild form of punishments like time outs)
2) Using Violence (hopefully mild)

However The second category also has two sub categories;

(a) Physical Violence
(b) Mental or Psychological "violence"

What Mr Gandhi relates can fall into 2b Mental or Psychological "violence" or could very well be part of 1 (non violence) depending upon individual situations.

So what do you think his dad did?

Generally the rule of thumb is Non Violence needs to be repeated for long term behavior change (Mahatama Gandhi had to do it over and over again to get the British to notice it) while violence needs to be done only once for lasting Impact.

So let me toss the porcupine back to you. Since one event (in this case) lead to a lasting change.. Did his father really use Non Violence or Mental Violence???

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